US grants humanitarian visa to Cuban boy in critical condition

Cuban passport and visa

The US Embassy in Havana will process a humanitarian visa for Damir Ortiz Ramírez, a Cuban child who faces a complex battle against neurofibromatosis type 1 and acute leukemia, collected telemundo51.

The boy's mother, Eliannis Ramírez, has been going to the consulate to complete the corresponding visa procedures, with the aim of allowing her son to receive medical treatment in the United States as soon as possible.

Given the huge mobilization that this case has generated among activists abroad and within the Greater Antilles, the US Embassy has agreed to open its doors on a non-working day, this Saturday, to grant Ortiz Ramírez a visa urgently.

However, there is another obstacle to Damir's reaching the United States. Due to the severity of his illness, the child needs to be transported by air ambulance, which costs $38.000, a significantly high amount.

To help the little boy and his family cover the expenses, they have created an account GoFundMe, to raise the money so that the child can travel quickly.

Unfortunately, the platform's policies prevent the use of the money until Damir arrives in the United States and confirms his accommodation in a hospital.

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