Cuban actor Mario Limonta passed away in Havana on Saturday afternoon, January 18, according to the news website Cubaescena. The respected actor was scheduled to celebrate his 89th birthday the following Sunday.
Early Thursday morning, Limonta underwent surgery at a Havana hospital. The procedure had favorable results, but he remained in intensive care as part of the usual medical guidelines for his recovery.
Ariel Ordaz Zayas told the Cubactores website that Limonta's health is stable. The media has not received information about the cause of the surgery.
Born on January 19, 1936 in the eastern Cuban province of Guantánamo, Mario Limonta became an influential personality on radio, theater, and television throughout his career. He initially moved to Havana to study law when he was quite young and discovered his passion for acting after his first appearance on the famous show La Corte Suprema del Arte.
In 2022, his wife, Aurora Basnuevo, who was affectionately called "La Mulatísima", passed away.
During his life in Cuba, Mario Limonta also participated in several campaigns in support of the Cuban dictatorship.